Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fire of Unknown Origin

Okay, it wasn't really "unknown" origin. In fact, it was a pretty, um, known origin. (Is there a better way to say that?) The simple fact of the matter was this: I set fire to my home and watched it burn.

Now, some of you are thinking: "Holy shit, what a firebug!" But others are thinking: "Good job!" Because they've been paying attention. They get gold stars.

If you noticed closely from the last post, you may have inferred that I am in fact running from something called 'the Choir.' It's part of a larger group of things called 'Fears.' They are, basically, monsters.

The Choir, as I learned, can manifest as a blur in the corner of your eyes or something in your shadow...or a gray fungus or mold that grows on walls and floors and ceilings and people. You can't do anything about blurs or shadows. You can do something about fungus. You can fucking burn it.

Which is what I did. It caused a lot of trouble, but I'm glad I did it. There's more to the story - quite a bit more - but this is only what I'm willing to share right now. I'll leave the rest for another day.

But I just want to say that, of all the bands I miss hearing, Blue Oyster Cult is up there, near the top of the list.

1 comment:

  1. Sucks that of the people they had to annoy, it had to be you.

    Enjoy your white noise, I suppose. One day, they might make White Noise Rock. One day.
