Friday, October 19, 2012

Tomorrow Never Dies

Ended up sleeping in a parking garage. Not the most dignified place to go to sleep, but it'll do for now. I might be able to line up some other places to go, places that have actual beds.

Since I couldn't find an outlet for my iPod, I've switched to the Walkman. It's strange, listening to something that's now an antique. I don't actually remember when Walkmen were popular, but they must have been sometime. The idea of people being amazed about carrying a few songs in the palm of their hand is strange, considering we can now hold thousands of songs in something smaller.

Is that what we'll become? Does time just leave us behind, like relics, bits of old technology? Do we become runners of monsters who no longer seek us? So entrenched in our ways, only running due to momentum and the fear of what will happen (or not happen) if we stop?

Fuck it, I haven't been a runner long enough to philosophize about it.

1 comment:

  1. "Fuck it, I haven't been a runner long enough to philosophize about it."

    I really find you amusing, something I shouldn't be doing.
