Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I Don't Like Mondays

Tried to sleep in a parking garage again. Was chased away by security (why was security working this late? fuck if I know). Need to find a place with a real bed where I can get some real sleep.

I miss listening to songs. Mouthing along to the words. "The silicon chip inside her head was switched to overload. And nobody's going to go to school today, she's going to make them stay at home..."

Can't listen to them anymore. Tried before. Every song becomes different, twisted. No matter how far away I go, it's all the same. All the words become poison, dripping into my ear. So I stopped listening.

No more music. No more songs.

Just noise.


  1. That sounds like a quite and bleak world you now live in...

  2. There IS something you might be able to do to keep the Choir off your back, at least for a little while. The only problem is that it's very, very dangerous.

    You could try getting another Fear to come after you and hope that the two fight over you.
